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Fixed in 5.1.0



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New AW messages are inconsistent with current state

Animation Window


New AW messages are inconsistent with current state

1. What happened
The new AW messages are very useful, but presently not always reflecting the current state ( wrong message)

2. How we can reproduce it using the example you attached
(a) Create an object
note that the message says to create Animator and Clip
Create Animator component using "Add Component" in the Inspector window
note that the message still says the same thing although the Animator component does exist on the selected object (bad).
Clicking the AW canvas/graph area forces the message to update to the correct message... "... create clip"
(b) Click the Create button in AW to create a Clip
(note that the Rec mode is enabled in the AW, but the Editor Play controls are not red, as expected, bad. disable/enable the AW Rec button/mode to put the Editor into the proper state)
Now remove the Animator component from the object in the Inspector
note that the object no longer has an Animator component, but the message only says to create a clip (bad)
Click Play, the Stop in the Editor to force the message to update to the correct message, asking the user to create both the Animator and the Clip.
(c) File>New Scene
note that the AW continues to display any keys that were previously displayed, rather than the expected message.
Create a new object to force a refresh and proper message in the AW.
(d) Create a new object and Animator component
Drag'n'drop a Clip from the Assets folder onto the object in the Scene window
note that the AW did not update to show the animation clip, although the clip is presently applied (bad).
Unselecting, clicking Play or any other action forces the AW to refresh and display the keys.

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