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NetworkLobbyPlayer does not sync initial Ready state for clients



How to reproduce:

1. Open attached project
2. Open scene MainScene.unity
3. Build to Standalone and run
4. Play the scene in the Editor
5. In any of the running scenes click the LAN Host button
6. Click the "START" button in the same window
7. In the other running scene click the LAN Client button
- Note that Player 1 shows up as "Ready [false]" even though it should show up as "Ready [true]"
- Reproduced in Version 5.2.4f1 (98095704e6fe), Version 5.3.3p1 (828971bd30e1), Version 5.4.0b8 (f1df44d39d69)

  1. Resolution Note:

    Mass closure of UNET Bugs.
    As UNET is Deprecated we are moving to low maintenance mode, where critical issues can get fixes.
    Closing this bug as part of cleaning-up the Bug List.

    If you feel this bug is really a road-blocker, you can reopen the bug and we will work this one.

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