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Fixed in 11.0.0



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'Missing Profiler.EndSample' errors when submitting context in endCameraRendering and Profiler window is open in Play mode

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


Reproduction steps:
1. Open or create any HDRP project
2. Create and open an empty Scene (Create -> Scene)
3. Attach the provided CustomRendering.cs script to "Main Camera"
4. Open the Profiler window (Window -> Analysis -> Profiler)
5. Enter Play mode
6. Observe console

Expected results: No errors are produced in the console
Actual results: "Missing Profiler.EndSample" errors as well as "Non matching Profiler.EndSample" errors are being spammed in the console

Reproducible with: HDRP 7.5.2 (2019.4.16f1), 8.3.1 (2020.1.17f1), 10.2.2 (2020.2.0f1), 11.0.0 (2021.1.0a10)
Cannot test with: HDRP 4.1.0-preview (2018.4.30f1) due to ScriptableRenderContext being unavailable in that stream

- Not reproducible with URP
- Reproducible both when profiling Editor or Play mode

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 11.0.0):

    Fixed in 2021.2.0a2

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