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Metal builds perform slightly worse than GLES3 when rendering 3d meshes



To Reproduce:

1. Deploy Metal/GLES3 builds of the project attached the post with the scene 'testScene_many_models' selected to a device (tested on iPhone6+).

2. Notice that the Metal build performs slightly worse (16fps vs 17fps) according to the xCODE debugger (captured frames attached).

3. Metal performs slightly better when running a scene with only a single model (scene "testScene_one_model'), but the difference is insignificant. And it's also much faster than GLES3 when rendering 2d sprites, about 40% faster ( Rendering takes ~19ms, ~13ms on GLES, when measured using the Unity profiler ) when rendering the scene 'testScene_sprites'.

Tested on 5.0.0b10

Comments (2)

  1. hypnoticshark

    Aug 04, 2015 04:05


  2. hypnoticshark

    Aug 01, 2015 10:12

    In our case there is a 50% difference in performance and has to do with gpu filtrate. We are a flirate heavy project but we run comfortably in the 40fps mark with opengles 3.0 on an iPad Air and at 20fps on Metal. We are using unity 4.6 as of now.

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