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[MacOS] Artifacts appear in the Scene View and Game View when the Particle System is parented by a moving GameObject



How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project's ("") Scene labeled "TheBox"
2. Enter the Play Mode
3. Move the Player around in Game View (A, D, Space keys)

Expected result: Sprite artifacts keep appearing in the Scene View and Game View.
Actual result: No visible artifacts appear.

Reproducible in: 2019.3.0a5, 2019.3.0b10, 2020.1.0a12
Not reproducible in: 2017.4.34f1, 2018.4.13f1, 2019.2.12f1, 2019.3.0a4

Workaround: Changing the "Graphics API for Mac" from Metal to OpenGLCore fixes the issue.

1. Disabling the Particle System doesn't fully remove the Artifacts but they only appear on the Editor's UI then and not on Game View or Scene View
2. Not reproducible on Windows(Direct3D11, Direct3D12), except there's a lot of Artifacts when switching to Vulkan Graphics API

  1. Resolution Note (2020.1.X):

    Not longer reproducible after testing in 2019.4, 2020.1, 2020.2 streams with Metal. Tested various GPUS (Intel, AMD), on iMac, Mac Mini, Macbook Pro, Mac Pro and across OSX 13-16. No artifacts appear in the Editor Play mode.

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