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Fixed in 2019.1.X
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Issue ID
Memory Profiler cancels Spanshot due to compilation "in progress" after Build and Run
Reproduction steps:
in an empty project:
1) Install Memory Profiler Package through package manager UI and open the memory profiler window
2) build and run Standalone player with autoconnect profiler
3) take memory snapshot
4) observe log as below:
Canceling snapshot, there is a compilation in progress.
UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.MemoryProfiler:TakeSnapshot(String, Action`2, CaptureFlags)
Unity.MemoryProfiler.Editor.<DelayedSnapshotRoutine>d__95:MoveNext() (at C:/Users/martinsch/Documents/Projects/com.unity.memoryprofiler/Editor/MemoryProfilerWindow.cs:838)
Unity.EditorCoroutines.Editor.YieldProcessor:MoveNext(IEnumerator) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.editorcoroutines@0.0.2-preview.1/Editor/EditorCoroutine.cs:79)
Unity.EditorCoroutines.Editor.EditorCoroutine:ProcessIEnumeratorRecursive(IEnumerator) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.editorcoroutines@0.0.2-preview.1/Editor/EditorCoroutine.cs:133)
Unity.EditorCoroutines.Editor.EditorCoroutine:MoveNext() (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.editorcoroutines@0.0.2-preview.1/Editor/EditorCoroutine.cs:114)
Snapshot is taken without issues.
Reproducible with:
2019.1.0a13, 2019.1.0f2, 2019.2.0a3
Not reproducible with:
2019.1.0a12, 2019.2.0a4
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