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Fixed in 2023.2.17f1, 6000.0.0b13



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Memory leak when creating ARC prefab



There is a leak when creating a prefab of an Audio Random Container.

*Regression details*

Reproducible on 2023.2.0a21 and upward; Not on 2023.2.0a20.

# Open an empty project.
# Create an audio random container (Assets > Create > Audio > Audio Random Container).
# Drag the audio random container to the hierarchy to create a game object with it.
# Drag the game object that you created to the project view to create a prefab

Expected: A prefab is created and no warnings are thrown in the console.

Actual: A prefab is created but memory leak warnings are thrown.


Behavior seemed different on different versions:

2023.2.0a21: The warning doesn't show immediately when creating the prefab, unlike in other versions, so you have to play a bit around until it appears.

2023.2.8f1: All subsequent prefab creations throw warnings, i.e. non-ARC game objects. They don't throw warnings before the ARC prefab is created. However, I also discovered that this behavior is a bit random – 2023.2.0b5 doesn't do this... yet 2023.2.0b1 does(?).

2023.3.0b5: Only ARC prefabs throw warnings.

*Reproduced on*

MacOS (M1) 13.6.3

No other environment tested.

*Stack trace (1/2)*
[Worker0] Internal: There are remaining Allocations on the JobTempAlloc. This is a leak, and will impact performance {code}
*Stack trace (2/2)*
[Worker0] To Debug, run app with -diag-job-temp-memory-leak-validation cmd line argument. This will output the callstacks of the leaked allocations. {code}

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