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[LWRP][HDRP] Unlit shader graph materials on UI objects rendered all black in Game view

Package: Shader Graph


To reproduce:
1. Open users attached project "Specular iOS"
2. Open "SampleScene.unity" scene
3. Observe the Game window

Expected result: RawImage has red color as the shader in Game view just as in Scene view
Actual result: RawImage is black in the Game view

Reproduced on:
2018.2.0b4 2018.3.0a1 2018.4.0f1 2019.1.1f1 2019.2.0a14 2019.3.0a2

LWRP Package version:
- 2.0.1-preview
- 4.10.0-preview
- 5.7.2
- 5.13.0
- 6.5.3

Not reproduced on:
2019.1.9f2 2018.2.0b3

LWRP Package version:
- 1.1.11-preview

- There are no packages on 2017.4
- Getting packages errors on 2018.2.0a1 - 2018.2.0b2 after installing LWRP package
- Using ShaderGraph version 2.0.1 - 2.0.5 getting errors in the console
- Using LWRP version 2.0.1 and later on 2018.2.0b3 getting ShaderGraph packages errors
- This also happens with HDRP

  1. Resolution Note:

    Shader Graph currently does not support generating shaders for UI. It's on our backlog.

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