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Fixed in 5.3.1



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[LWRP] Scene View gets dimmed when using Gamma mode with HDR turned off

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline Lightweight


How to reproduce:
1. Create a new LWRP Unity project
2. In Project Settings > Player set the Color Space to 'Gamma'
3. In the LWRP Asset under Quality settings uncheck the 'HDR' option

Expected result: the Scene view and the Game view look identical
Actual result: the Scene view is dimmer than the Game view

Reproducible with: LWRP Package version 5.2.3
Not reproducible with: LWRP Package version 5.3.1

Tested with 2019.1.0b2
A number of other issues with Scene view and Game view can be observed by adjusting other Quality settings in the LWRP Asset

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