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[LWRP] Camera loses "Clear Flags" option
Steps to repro:
1. Create a new empty project
2. Open Package Manager and install RenderPipeline - Lightweight
3. Create LightweightRenderPieplineAsset in "Project" window
4. Open Project Settings and set the freshly created LightweightRenderPieplineAsset
5. Select Camera object in the current scene
Expected result: There is Clear Flags option in the Camera Inspector settings
Actual result: There is no Clear Flags option
Reproduced in: 2019.1.0f2, 2019.2.0a11
Not reproduced in: 2018.3.13f1 because highest package version is 4.10.0
Comments (2)
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Resolution Note:
Camera Clear Flags have been replaced by Background Type