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Fixed in 5.0.X



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LOD Bias can be set as anything from 0 to +infinity, not only between 0 to 1

Docs - Manual


In LOD bias explanation, manual says that the value is reflected as fraction from 0 to 1. In reality, this can be checked as anything from 0 to +infinity. It would be just worth mentioning that setting LOD Bias between 0 and 1 favors less detail, whereas setting it to more >1 favors more detailed model. For example, setting LOD Bias to 2 and having it change at 50% distance, LOD actually only changes on 25%. Current docs don't mention this, creating a bit of confusion when >1 LOD Bias is met.

Comments (1)

  1. WalkerStudio

    Jun 14, 2015 16:11

    Yes ,I also confused on it. I can't understand : For example, setting LOD Bias to 2 and having it change at 50% distance, LOD actually only changes on 25%. I means is we should choose a game object when it is between two different LOD value, if the LOD bias is closer to zero, we choose the game object of less detail LOD value, otherwise, we should choose the one that more detail LOD value. I think here is two choosing.But why the docs tell me that the different LOD Bias return the game object of different distance LOD value, i think there three ,four ,five LOD value and so on.

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