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[Localization] "Add Schema" button is missing for Localization Addressable Asset Group

Package: Localization Package


How to reproduce:
1. Open the user's attached project and Menu scene
2. In the Project window, select AddressableAssets/Data/AssetGroups/Localization-Locales asset
3. Observe the Inspector window

Expected result: there is an "Add Schema" button
Actual result: "Add Schema" button is missing

Reproducible with: 0.10.0-preview - 1.0.0-pre.9 (2018.4.36f1, 2019.4.28f1, 2020.3.12f1, 2021.1.11f1, 2021.2.0a19)


  1. Resolution Note:

    The Localization system marks Addressable groups as readonly, a readonly group will prevent changes to the contents and the schemas by design.
    It is possible to change the Localization systems default behavior by creating an [Addressable Group Rules]( asset and changing the Read Only field to be unset.

    The Addressables team will consider improvements to the read only behavior in the future.

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