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[Linux][Wayland] Slider values or Scene View moves exponentially faster when moving the mouse to a side of the monitor



Reproduction steps:
1. Create a new project
2. In the Scene View, hold RMB to move the camera
3. While holding RMB, move the mouse to the corners of your monitor
4. Observe the Scene View when the mouse moves into a corner
5. In the Hierarchy, select any GameObject
6. In the Inspector, drag any of the values to any corner of the monitor
7. Observe value change

Expected results: Mouse warps to the opposite side of the monitor and values update just as they did before reaching the corner
Actual results: Mouse stays in the corner of the monitor, Scene view gets rotated very fast, values update exponentially faster

Reproduced with: 2021.3.44f1, 2022.3.47f1, 6000.0.20f1

Reproduced on: Ubuntu 22.04
Not reproduced on: Windows

Note: This issue only reproduces when using the Wayland session

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