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[Linux] Player crash on mono_install_ftnptr_eh_callback when launching a build



Reproduction steps:
1. Create a new 3D project
2. Click File > Build
3. Open the build directory
4. Open the Terminal in the directory
5. Repeatedly launch the build Player using the terminal

Expected result: The player does not crash
Actual result: The player crashes an average of 10% of the launches

Reproducible with: 2021.3.29f1, 2022.3.7f1, 2022.3.8f1, 2023.1.10f1, 2023.2.0b6, 2023.3.0a2

Reproducible on: Ubuntu 23.04
Not reproducible on: Windows 10 Pro 22H2

First lines of the stack trace:
#0 0x007f37110c1fa2 in mono_install_ftnptr_eh_callback
#1 0x007f37110f63d3 in monovm_shutdown
#2 0x007f371104434b in mono_ee_api_version
#3 0x007f3711093b8c in mono_jit_init_version
#4 0x007f37195b1db0 in (Unknown)

  1. Resolution Note:

    We believe the issue is caused by linux kernel issue posted here

    Upgrade the kernel to a higher version 6.3.4 or above will have the issue resolved.
    6.2.26 is specifically corrupted while using the editor.
    Let us know if this issue still persists after the upgrade. Thank you!

Comments (1)

  1. unity_7A5BA47D1EC59DADBC44

    Aug 22, 2023 13:22

    Hi, thanks for taking this on. As a workaround while this is fixed, can you advise in which versions the issue does not occur?

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