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Linear and Exponential fog is not rendered correctly when one of the GameObjects is too long



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached "" project
2. Make sure that the project build platform is set to "Android"
3. Set the Fog Mode in the Lighting settings to Linear (as a reference, set Start to 20 and End to 70)
4. Enter the Play Mode
5. Observe the fog
6. Exit the Play Mode
7. Set the Fog Mode in the Lighting settings to Exponential (as a reference, set the density at 0.64)
8. Enter the Play Mode
9. Observe the fog

Expected result: In the Linear mode, the rendered fog position is updating in the perspective of the moving cube (GameObject "Cube (1))"; In the Exponential mode, the ground (GameObject "Cube") is affected by the fog
Actual result: In the Linear mode, the rendered fog position is not updating in the perspective of the moving cube (GameObject "Cube (1))"; In the Exponential mode, the ground (GameObject "Cube") is not affected by the fog

Reproduced with: 2021.2.0b13, 2021.3.26f1, 2022.2.21f1, 2023.1.0b18, 2023.2.0a16
Not reproduced with: 2020.3.48f1, 2021.2.0b12

Reproduced on: Windows 10

Note: Also reproduced in Android builds

  1. Resolution Note:

    Won't fix: unfortunately when using such large scale triangles, the geometry extends beyond clipping planes and the vertex attributes are interpolated for clipped vertices. Combined with precision loss when clipping is performed on large scale coordinate differences, the resulting attributes needed for correct fog calculations are not as expected. It is recommended to subdivide such large triangles, not only for this fog issue, but to avoid other pottential shading/lighting issues, that could surface due to differences among GPU precisions.

Comments (2)

  1. cainama966

    May 20, 2023 07:47

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