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Light Explorer does not update Isolated Selection when new Light selected in Scene



*Steps to reproduce:*
# Open a Unity Project
# Add an Point Light to the scene via GameObject > Light > Point Light
# Add a Spot Light to the scene via GameObject > Light > Spot Light
# Open Light Explorer via Window > Rendering > Light Explorer
# If not already, navigate to the 'Lights tab'
# In the Hierarchy or Scene, select your Spot Light
# Observe that the Spot Light is highlighted in the Light Explorer. This is expected
# Enable 'Isolate Selection' check box
# Observe how all lights are hidden except the selected Spot Light. This is expected
# In the Hierarchy or Scene, select the Point Light

*Actual results:* The Spot Light is still shown as the Isolated Selection in the Light Explorer. In-order to get the Point Light to show, the 'Isolate Selection' check box has to be disabled and then re-enabled again (or the Light Explorer Window can be closed and re-opened)

*Expected results:* The Point Light is shown as the Isolated Selection in the Light Explorer Window

*Reproducible with versions:* 6000.0.22f1, 2022.3.48f1, 2021.3.44f1, 7000.0.0a3

*Not reproducible with versions:* - 

*Can’t test with versions:* - 

*Tested on (OS):* Windows 10/11

*Notes:*  - 

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