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Fixed in 5.0.X



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Lens Flare layer mask error when starting with 'Everything'



Reproduced on 4.2.0b1
See user's description.

1 Open project
2 Open Test scene
-set the Light source > Lens Flare > Ignore Layers to Nothing, start the scene. You will see the sun flare disappear when the cube passes in front of it. (Expected)
-Start the scene, then set the Light source > Lens Flare > Ignore Layers to Everything. You will not see the sun flare disappear when the cube passes in front of it. (Expected)
-Change the Ignore Layers to Everything, _then_ start the scene. The sun flare will never appear at all. You can force it to appear if, while playing, you swtich Ignore Layers to Nothing and then back to Everything.

Comments (1)

  1. Nikolay-Lezhnev

    Aug 22, 2014 11:33

    Mask 'Everything' isn't neccessary. For reproducing problem enough to have an intersection 'Flare->Ignore layers' mask and flare game object layer. It's strange, but it fact. I test it on 4.5.2f1

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