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NavMesh Modifiers and Volumes does not work with the Legacy NavMesh

AI Navigation


1. Open the NavMeshComponents-master example project
2. Create a plane
3. Mark it as Navigation Static
4. Attach the NavMesh Modifier (or the NavMesh Modifier Volume) component to it
5. If the Modifier Volume is attached, make sure the area it covers intersects the plane
6. Bake the NavMesh from the Navigation window

- Note that the NavMesh is not affected by the Modifiers, but this is not obvious before going through the steps

Reproduced in: 2017.1.0a4, 5.6.0f2, 5.6.0f1

  1. Resolution Note:

    NavMeshModifier and NavMeshModifierVolume are used only by a NavMeshSurface that generates the NavMesh.
    Building the NavMesh using the Bake button in the Navigation window does not use the Modifier or the Volume components.

Comments (1)

  1. Acreates

    Oct 17, 2018 15:13

    I also downloaded the navmeshcomponents from the git drive.
    Placed down a navMesh Modifier Volume
    Marked it unwalkable
    Rebaked the NavMesh
    The navmesh remains unaffected
    If I place an object with collision, rebake the nav, it does get affected.

    This is the latest unity.

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