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[iOS7] Video ad does not play after putting app into background



How to reproduce:

1. Open attached project
2. Open scene Scenes/test.unity
3. Build to iOS and run
5. Press the "Button" button on device
- Notice an ad plays, as expected
6. Click the home button after the ad finishes playing
7. Open the app again
8. Click the "Button" button again
- Notice nothing happens at all

Comments (4)

  1. kbjcmr

    Aug 20, 2015 07:15

    Hmm, its status is 'Fixed'. I hope it means the next patch will resolve this issue.

  2. HexGrimm

    Aug 14, 2015 12:35

    Temporary fix for it:
    open xcode after unity export
    - find
    - find string in - (void)applicationWillResignActive
    snapshotView = [self createSnapshotView];
    _snapshotView = nil;

    It should help, but brings other unexpected troubles with snapshots.

  3. kbjcmr

    Aug 01, 2015 07:12

    I have the same issue. I tried UnityAds, iAd, AdMob, and Game Center. Nothing works properly on iOS 7.1.2.

    FYI, when I tried Game Center, I got the message: Warning: Attempt to present <GKLeaderboardViewController: 0x7e9a21e0> on <UnityDefaultViewController: 0x78eddfd0> which is already presenting <GKLeaderboardViewController: 0x7eb21d90>.

  4. HexGrimm

    Jul 31, 2015 08:59

    It works for any native window. You can reproduce it:
    - Open native share window (or any another)
    - Press home twice
    - Select another applicatiion to come foreground.
    - Press home anagin.
    - Bring Unity to foreround.
    In this case all native windows will be under unity frame and will not be show for more.
    Same things with gamecenter or any adds.
    Bug comes from >5.0.2 version.

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