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[iOS/Android] RGBAFloat textures doesn't work with Bilinear filtering mode - seems to fallback to 'Point' filtering mode



Steps to reproduce:

1. Open attached project
2. Build 'GradientTest' scene for iOS
3. Build Xcode project to a device
4. Notice that the image with RGBAFloat format is rendered as if it was using 'Point' filtering mode even though it is set to 'Bilinear'

Note: You can switch between the three formats - RGBAFloat, RGBAHalf and RGBA32 - using the buttons on the upper part of the screen, notice that both RGBAHalf and RGBA32 works correctly with 'Bilinear' filtering mode, while RGBAFloat seems like it's usisng 'Point' filtering mode

Same results with both 'Metal' and 'OpenGLES2' graphics APIs.

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