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Fixed in 2018.1.X
Fixed in 5.6.X, 2017.1.X, 2017.2.X
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Issue ID
[iOS] Cannot open URL when launching FBlogin through Unity Facebook SDK in portrait only autorotate state
Steps to reproduce
1. Open the attached project
2. Ensure project is set to iOS build target.
3. Ensure Player Settings -> Resolution and Presentation -> Allowed orientations for Auto Rotation has:
Portrait = off
Portrait Upside Down = off
Landscape Right = enabled
Landscape Left = enabled
4. Build project and run on iOS device
5. Launch app (it will be Landscape auto rotate state by default)
6. Click login button in UI but don’t press ‘continue’, instead click cancel
7. Repeat 6 with device held in various orientations to confirm web view always presents
8. Click ‘Set Orientation: Portrait’ button and wait for orientation to change
Now either:
9. a) Click Login button and observe the view doesn’t present.
b) Click ‘Set Orientation: Landscape’ then perform 9. a).
Expected result: pressing the login button opens the URL
Actual result: URL doesn't load when pressing login button
Reproduced on: 5.6.2p4, 2017.1.0f3, 2017.2.0b3
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Jan 15, 2018 06:22
still not resolve on unity2017, and unity2018
Sep 07, 2017 13:21
This is a huge problem, needs to be a priority fix. Device can't use the facebook sdk and auto rotate or the facebook login doesn't work.