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[IOS] Both tethered and remote connection are showed in Profiler when the device is only tethered and WiFi is disabled
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create an empty project or open an existing one
2. Go to Build Settings and check Development Build (File -> Build Settings)
3. Build and deploy to a device with WiFi disabled
4. Open Profiler (Window -> Analysis -> Profiler)
5. Check the Target Selection dropdown
Expected result: Device only available in tethered devices
Actual result: Device available both in tethered and remote connections
Reproducible with: 2019.4.28f1, 2020.3.11f1, 2021.1.14f1, 2021.2.0b2, 2022.1.0a1
- The new Target Selection dropdown look was introduced in 2021.2 and has named sections of Tethered and Remote, however, with the same steps you'd get two connections available in previous versions as well
- Doesn't repro on Android
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Resolution Note (2022.1.X):
This is by design as apple maps usb to tcp so the running player will show up. The new connection dropdown just makes this more apparent. Previoius versions also showed the player and the device.