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[InputSystem] When using InputSystem package (>=1.9.0) an InputAction's 'Interactions' and 'Processors' are not expanded in the Inspector

Package: Input System


Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the attached user's project ""
2. Open "Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity"
3. In the Hierarchy, select the "TestObject"
4. Double click the "AnyKey" binding on the ExampleAction
5. Try to expand any of the Interactions/Processors

Expected results: interaction and processor properties are expanded
Actual results: interaction and processor properties are not expanded (see attached repro.mp4)

Reproducible with: Input System 1.9.0 - 1.12.0 (2021.3.47f1, 2022.3.56f1, 6000.0.34f1, 6000.1.0b1)
Not reproducible with: Input System 1.8.2 (2021.3.47f1, 2022.3.56f1, 6000.0.34f1, 6000.1.0b1)

Testing Environment: Windows 11
Not reproducible on: no other environment tested

-It it does render correctly when viewed in a InputActionAsset but not when viewing through the Inspector
-Issue is reproducible on a new project just by adding a "public InputAction example;" property to any script

  1. Resolution Note:

    Cannot reproduce with Input System 1.12.0. Please re-open the ticket, with any additional information you have, if it is still occurring for you

Comments (1)

  1. Drumsmasher17

    Jan 23, 2025 23:12

    To add some context as to why anyone would want this to work:

    We're making a VR game, and rather that use an InputActionAsset, we have our own VRInput class that lets us query actions on a per-hand basis.

    The result is an API where we can check in a held-object's code, if the hand that's holding it is doing a certain action.

    We also have buttons at edit-time that let us mirror actions from left to right, such that we only have to setup the action once for the left hand, and it'll automatically make the action for the right hand.

    Not having Interactions and Processors isn't the end of the world, but it's obviously not ideal, and not the intention of the InputSystem package.

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