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[InputSystem][Android] Touch.isInProgress gets stuck when multiple touches are applied to touchscreen quickly

Package: Input System


Steps to reproduce:

1. Select scene "TestScene"
2. Build & Run on Android
3. Select "Touchsceen" from device list at the top
4. See that if you tap, information about touches appears on screen
5. Now tap it with 5+ fingers at once, do it several times, wiggle around
6. Most of the time it will result in touches getting stuck (they're not cleared from the list)

Expected result: isInProgress should get set to FALSE resulting in touches getting cleared from the list of activeTouches
Actual result: isInProgress gets stuck on TRUE and touches are never cleared from the list of activeTouches

Reproducible with:
Xiaomi Mi Note 2 (Mi Note 2), OS: 6.0.1
Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet (SGP771), OS: 6.0.1

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