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4.1.0, 3.0.10

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[Improved Prefab] SpriteShape instance does not reflect in the scene on changing colour in its prefab

Package: 2D Sprite Shape


-SpriteShape instance does not reflect in the scene on changing colour in its prefab.
-Blue highlights appear in front of Color properties in the Inspector.

Steps to repro:
1. Create a new Project.
2. Windows > Package Manager > 2D Sprite Shape.
3. Gameobject > 2D Object > Sprite Shape > Change Color > Green.
4. Create its prefab > Change Color > Red.

Actual Result:
Sprite Shape instance does not reflect in the scene on changing color in its prefab.

Expected Result:
Sprite Shape instance should be reflected as per the prefab changes.

Reproducible in:
2020.2.0a10, 2020.1.0b8 with package Version 4.1.0
2019.3.09f1 with package Version 3.0.10.
2019.2.0a11 with package Version preview.11 - 2.1.0

Working Fine in:
2019.2.0a8 with preview.2 - 2.0.0

Note: Could not Test in 2019.2.0a10 & 2019.2.0a9. due to 2D Sprite Shape package is broken.

Occurring on Windows 10 & Mac 10.15

  1. Resolution Note:

    A valid SpriteShape profile must be set in the SpriteShape Controller.

    If its not set, a default texture is used only to make proto-typing shapes easier in Editor mode only.
    Without SpriteShape profile being set, it does not render anything in Runtime.

    With a valid SpriteShape Profile set, Prefab flow works as expected.

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