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[HDRP] Volumetric clouds Erosion curve name is misleading



We have 2 similarly named properties:
* Erosion Factor - controls small details on the edges of the clouds
* Erosion Curve - controls the overall shape of the cloud mass

If you first use the Erosion Factor and read its tooltip, then its perfectly logical to think that the Erosion curve would work the same way except its a curve. Meaning it would control the amount of small erosion on the edges of the cloud per altitude. This is not what it does. The issue was brought up in a youtube video of a clouds guide (now taken down).

I suggest giving these two properties distinct names as they control completely different aspects of the clouds. 

My suggestions for Erosion Factor: 

Edge Erosion


My suggestions for Erosion Curve:

Shape Curve (if it makes sense in the context of other shape parameters)

Shape Erosion

Shape per Altitude

Im not keen on these specific names, just as is, I can agree with the user its a bit confusing. Tooltip for Erosion Curve would likely also need to be changed.



I managed to capture a part of the user's removed video for context. Watch it with sound.

  1. Resolution Note:

    discussed with Anis, he agreed on this name with tech art and apparently they are satisfied about this

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