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[HDRP] TAA produces blurriness and dark sharpening artifacts when camera is moving

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project named "Case_1337373"
2. Open the SampleScene
3. Select the Camera component and check if TAA is being used. Located in PlayerControllerFPS -> Main Camera -> Rendering
4. Enter Play mode
5. Move the camera using WASD or arrow keys and observe the tree leaves

Expected results: There is no excessive blurriness or sharpening artifacts
Actual results: The tree leaves appear blurred and receive black highlights when the camera is moving

Reproducible with: 2019.4.27f1(7.6.0), 2020.3.9f1(10.5.0), 2021.1.8f1(11.0.0), 2021.2.0a17(12.0.0)
Could not test with: 2018.4.35f1(HDRP was in early preview)

  1. Resolution Note:

    Unfortunately, such behavior is largely expected. However, to minimize the effect High preset can be used (not much more expensive if Speed rejection is not needed) with the Anti-ringing and bump history sharpening options enabled. The anti-ringing option should diminish the effect that looks like excessive sharpening.

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