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Fixed in 7.4.0

Fixed in 8.1.0



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




[HDRP] Scene View is not rendered when MSAA within Forward is enabled and Motion Vectors are disabled

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the project from the attached file ""(link in edit)
2. Go to Project Settings > HDRP Default Settings and enable MSAA within Forward
3. From Assets > Settings open the HDRenderPipelineAsset and uncheck Motion Vectors
4. Inspect the Scene View

Expected result: Scene View is rendered normally
Actual result: Scene View is not rendered and errors are thrown in the console

Reproducible with:
2020.2.0a5, 2019.3.8f1 With Package Version 7.2.0,
2019.4.8f1.2019.3.8f1, 2020.2.0a5 with Package Version 7.3.1
2020.2.0a5, 2020.1.0b4 with Package Vesrion 8.0.1

Not reproducible with:
2020.2.0a5, 2019.3.8f1 with Package Vesrion 7.1.7
2020.2.0a5, 2019.3.8f1 with Package Vesrion 7.1.8

Could not test with: 2017.4.38f1(No package manager), 4.10.0-preview(2018.4.20f1)(Multiple features not introduced)

- Reproducible with DX11, DX12 and Metal graphics API. Could not test with OpenGLCore(not supported by HDRP)
- throws XRSystem.ReleaseFrame() was not called! UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&) warning in console
- throws NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object error in the console
- Game View turns to black

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 8.1.0):

    Fixed in 8.1.0

  2. Resolution Note (fix version 7.4.0):

    Fixed in 8.1.0

  3. Resolution Note (fix version 7.4.0):

    Fixed in 7.4.0

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