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[HDRP] Minor issue. Layered materials dont copy tiling information when referencing other materials.

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


When creating a layered material (LayeredLitTesselalation in this case), user can drag and drop other materials to quickly copy their values. Most values like tints and maps are copied, but not the UV properties.

1) Open any hdrp project
2) Create two planes
3) Assign a LayeredLitTessellation material to the second plane.
4) Assign a texture and change the tiling of the default HDRP material (first plane).
5) Drag and drop default material onto the second slot of the layered material like in the video.

Expected result:
Tiling should match

Expected result:
Tiling is not copied and stays x1 y1

  1. Resolution Note:

    By design

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