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Fixed in 10.x



Found in [Package]

master 2021 02 17

Issue ID




[HDRP] Check Scene Content for HDRP Ray Tracing - unclear what it does

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


We have this option under Edit/Render Pipeline/HD Render Pipeline/Check Scene Content for Ray Tracing (location might have changed).

UX bug. Unclear what the tool does. When you run it often nothing happens, no message in the console nothing. Thus the user is unsure if it ran properly or didn't run at all.

Expected (at least one of below):
* When the code is run, a message would be displayed in the Console with at least information if it passed or not. Preferably with what was checked.
* Example: Check passed. No materials with roughness 0.3-0.6 found; No materials with mixed with a mix of Opaque and Transparent etc...
* Another option would be to have it as part of DXR wizard and remove it as a separate option in the Rendering section.
* Third option would be to explain what it does in the DXR getting started section. Not sure how useful will this be, but some people might find it.

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