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HDR color picker intensity slider returns wrong values



*Steps to reproduce:*
# Open any existing project, or download the one attached (
# Select the Emissive material
# Click on the color picker field
# Change the color to anything but the default
# Try changing intensity values either by typing them in, or changing the slider
# Close the color picker window
# Open it again

* Expected behavior: intensity value remains the same as the one specified by the user
* Actual behavior: intensity value shifts upon closing and opening the color picker window

* Reproduces in all currenlty supported Unity versions (2020.3+)
* Affects HDR color picker only
* Affects all parts of the UI where HDR color picker is present
* Does not reproduce with colors of equal RGB value (shades of white colors)

  1. Resolution Note:

    The Color Picker design never fully supported the HDR format. We separated what appears to be really a bug in a dedicated ticket that we are addressing. To complete the Color Picker in HDR, it actually needs some missing features. We will convert this ticket to a feature request in order to prioritize it later in our roadmap.

Comments (1)

  1. Dvonio

    Nov 27, 2023 09:17

    This was fixed in Unity 2022.2.13f

    Editor: Fixed jumping of intensity slider values in Color Picker HDR. (UUM-27978)

    But has appeared again in 2022.3 versions, any update or fix please?

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