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Having Collider as a child of Screen Space - Camera Canvas causes exceptions to appear on startup



Steps to reproduce:
1. Open attached project.
2. Open scene.
3. Close the project.
4. Open project again. Scene will automatically be loaded. Observe exceptions:
"This collider has some illegal parameters. Choose 'Reset' in the component popup menu to fix it.

Comments (1)

  1. CptCheerios

    Dec 05, 2014 15:08

    I get the same issue with panels and the scrollbar. I use a 3D Box Collider so that my UI can interact with my other mouse inputs within the same input scripts. It used to work in earlier 4.6 builds but now in the 4.6 release build (may have happened earlier I stopped at 4.6 beta build 20. Its specifically an issue with having a 3D collider on a UI object.

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