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Fixed in 7.5 8.2



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Issue ID




[Localization] Certain characters in the VFX shaders are switched in some localizations, leading to errors.

Package: Visual Effect Graph


Forum thread:

Looks like some system languages- Turkish, and possibly others - affect some characters from the shader compilation.
_POSITION_ becomes _POSİTİON_ with 'İ' instead of 'I'.

Note: This was prior presumed to be a GPU sorting issue.

Comments (6)

  1. oznkpln

    Jun 11, 2020 15:37

    Bu bug sadece türkleremi oluyor ahaha

  2. oznkpln

    Jun 11, 2020 15:36

    Have same bug with 1070ti in 7.31

  3. canyuzlu

    May 17, 2020 03:23

    Same issue in here. I have GTX 1650 graphic cards.

  4. mrvc_mrvc

    May 12, 2020 10:03

    Same issue in here. With sorting on or auto, particles not emit. With sorting off, particles emit with flickering. So there is no workaround for me

  5. yigitekimdemir

    May 01, 2020 20:02

    The problem continues in URP and VFX 8.0.1 as well. I am using an AMD R9 285x GPU with Ryzen 3600 CPU and 16 gb of RAM. Sorting off is a working workaround.

  6. Batuhan13

    Mar 26, 2020 07:13

    Still not fixed in 7.3.1 =(

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