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Postponed means that the issue was either a feature request or something that requires major refactoring on our side. Since that makes the issue not actionable in the close future we choose to close it as Postponed and add it on our internal roadmaps and technical debt pages instead.




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Issue ID




[GPU PLM][macOS] Assertion failed in ''wroteTexelValidity'' and allocator warning after toggling light during the bake

Progressive Lightmapper


Steps to repro:
1. Download the attached project "SponzaLWRP" and open "Sponza" scene on macOS;
2. Drag 'SponzaLightingDay' scene from the Project folder to the Hierarchy;
3. In the Hierarchy double-click on the SponzaLightingDay scene to make it the main scene;
4. In the Lighting window (Window>Rendering>Lighting) press Generate Lighting button;
5. Once "Baking..." is shown in the progress bar, wait for the progress bar to go beyond 20%;
6. In the Hierarchy select Directional Light gameobject and disable it.

Expected result:
No errors or warning are thrown.

Actual result:
"Assertion failed on expression: 'wroteTexelValidity'
and warning:
"Calling Deallocate on pointer, that can not be deallocated by allocator ALLOC_TEMP_MAIN"
are shown in the Console
See attached screenshot and Editor.log file.

- Reproducible in 2022.1.0a10, 2021.2.0b13;
- Reproducible on macOS; Could not reproduce on Windows;
- The assertion in 'wroteTexelValidity' is pretty hard to repro and might be related to the project setup or previous bakes; The warning message "Calling Deallocate on pointer, that can not be deallocated by allocator ALLOC_TEMP_MAIN" is constantly reproducible.

- The issue might not reproduce consistently. If it doesn't, try following:
- Repeat initial repro steps again;
- Untoggle light at a different stages of the bake (10%, 20%, 40%, etc); it seems to be timing-related;
- Toggle/untoggle lights with different intervals after launching the bake.

  1. Resolution Note (2022.1.X):

    Postponed against sprint work

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