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GestureRecognizer with all three GestureSettings.Navigation flags does call NavigationUpdated



Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project
2. Open the TestScene.unity scene
3. Play the scene (make sure that Mixed reality device and motion controllers are connected)
4. Hold the grip button and move the MotionController in front of the HMD
5. Note the Debug.Log always stays the same

Actual results: Using the GestureRecognizer with all three GestureSettings.Navigation flags does call NavigationUpdated, but the returned TryGetPosition/-Rotation values are always the same value the controller started with
Expected results: Using the GestureRecognizer with all three GestureSettings.Navigation flags should call NavigationUpdated and the return the updated values

Unable to test with 2018.1.0b4 due another issue

Reproduced with: 2017.2.1p2, 2017.3.0p3, 2018.2.0a1

  1. Resolution Note (2019.1.X):

    XR Management has evaluated this issue and determined that it does not meet our current bug severity threshold. If you would like your issue to be reviewed again, please re-submit your bug.

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