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Issue ID
GC.MarkDependencies takes up a lot of CPU time for certain game objects
How to reproduce:
1. Open attached project
2. Open scene GAFHiccup.unity
3. Open the Profiler window
4. Play the scene
5. Delete the gameobject named Delete This
- Note how there is an increase in CPU usage for a few seconds
- The culprit is Loading.UpdatePreloading/Application.Integrate Assets in Background/GarbageCollectAssetsProfile/GC.MarkDependencies
- For comparison, try the same steps with scene UnityHiccup.unity and note how there is no increase in CPU usage
- The scenes differ in that one scene has an object which uses an animated object using the Unity animation system and the other uses a GAF animated object (GAF is a SWF to Unity animation converter)
- Reproduced in Version 5.4.0b9 (04b47bfe5580), Version 5.3.3p3 (1c43f6d3d3c3), Version 5.2.4f1 (98095704e6fe)
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