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GameObjectRecorder only records changes in the root object, changes in children are not recorded at all



How to reproduce:
1. Open attached project
2. Open ReproScene and enter the Play Mode
3. Press 'Enter' to start recording character movements
4. Run around with WASD/space for a bit
5. Press 'Enter' again to save the movements into an animation clip and save that to the root of the assets folder (called TestAnim by default)
6. Highlight the saved AnimationClip in the project view
7. Open the Animation window to inspect the key frames of the clip

Reproducible with: 2018.4.0f1, 2019.1.1f1
Not reproducible with: 2017.4.26f1 due to C# 7 features, 2019.2.0a15, 2019.3.0a2 due to script errors

Expected result: Clip should contain character's recorded movements, as well as the movements of all the bone transforms in the rig 'AnimatedRig'
Actual result: Root transform's movements are recorded correctly, but all other curves are empty.

  1. Resolution Note:

    Humanoid not supported by GameObjectRecorder this is a feature request.

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