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Fixed in 2023.2.0a22



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GameObject is rendered incorrectly when the “High Quality Line Rendering” is enabled



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project "2023-beta-test"
2. Observe the Scene View

Expected result: The GameObject “Hair” is rendered properly as shown in Correct.jpg
Actual result: The GameObject “Hair” is rendered incorrectly as shown in Incorrect.jpg

Reproducible with: 2023.1.0b5, 2023.2.0a5
Could not test with: 2020.3.46f1, 2021.3.20f1, 2022.2.9f1 (Scene fails to render textures)

Testing environment: Windows 10 Enterprise 21H2


* Select “Global Volume” GameObject in the Hierarchy and then untick “High Quality Line Rendering” in Inspector to see the correct rendering for comparison
* The example hair gets rendered twice in XR, different for each eye, with very low quality as soon as “High Quality Line Rendering” is enabled

Comments (2)

  1. Qleenie

    Oct 25, 2023 15:53

    Any update on this? Seems to be in work since a few months now

  2. Qleenie

    Jul 30, 2023 12:16

    The given fix ist not really usable, as it falls back to multi view, and not using single instanced. This makes the feature way too slow in single instance mode. Please reconsider the solution.

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