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GameObject cannot be disabled when an Animator references an Animation Clip containing the GameObject's "IsActive" property


How to reproduce:
1. Open the ““ project
2. Open the “UnityBug-AnimatorSetActive“ Scene
3. Enter Play Mode
4. Uncheck the “Child Active State“ Checkbox in the Game view
5. Observe the children GameObjects of the “Animator“ GameObject in the Hierarchy

Expected results: Both children GameObjects are disabled
Actual results: Only the “Child Not Referenced In Animation - Can Be Disabled“ child GameObject is disabled

Reproducible in: 2022.3.57f1, 6000.0.37f1, 6000.1.0b5, 6000.2.0a2

Reproduced on: Windows 11 Pro (23H2)
Not reproduced on: No other environment tested

Workaround: Disable the Animator Component first

- If the Animator is disabled (by unchecking the “Animator State“ checkbox in the Game view) then both children GameObjects can be disabled
- The relevance of the issue is that a user has no control over setting the GameObject activity in the Editor if its “IsActive“ property is referenced in an Animation Clip (which is not necessarily playing)

  1. Resolution Note:

    This is by design. The animator gathers all animated properties in the animation clips to build the bindings that are animated and writes back to them whenever it is evaluated. If the value is not animated directly, the Animator writes back the default value of the property when it was initially bound to the Animator (in this case 'true').

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