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Failed to get assembly resource stream warnings on import
After dragging and dropping the Bolt 1.4.13 RC package into Unity I get a spew of 8 warning messages all with the below error. They come back every time you enter play mode.
Failed to get assembly resource stream:
Ludiq.AssemblyResourceProvider:LoadTexture(String, CreateTextureOptions) (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/ResourceProviders/AssemblyResourceProvider.cs:193)
Ludiq.EditorTexture:Load(IResourceProvider, String, CreateTextureOptions, Boolean) (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Interface/EditorTexture.cs:221)
Ludiq.EditorTexture:Load(IEnumerable`1, String, CreateTextureOptions, Boolean) (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Interface/EditorTexture.cs:154)
Ludiq.PluginResources:LoadTexture(String, CreateTextureOptions, Boolean) (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Plugins/PluginResources.cs:119)
Ludiq.Icons:Load() (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Plugin/LudiqCoreResources.cs:83)
Ludiq.LudiqCoreResources:Initialize() (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Plugin/LudiqCoreResources.cs:15)
Ludiq.PluginContainer:Initialize() (at Assets/Ludiq/Ludiq.Core/Editor/Plugins/PluginContainer.cs:198)
Steps to reproduce
1. Open unity 2020.1.4f1
2. Drag and drop the[ Bolt 1.4.13 RC|] package into the project
3. Click import
Notice issue >> Warning messages spewed to the log.
Expected: No errors or warnings.
Tested broken: 2019.4.9f1, 2020.1.4f1, Bolt 1.4.13RC, Windows
Tested working: 2018.4.28f1, bolt 1.4.13RC, Windows
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