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By Design



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EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject() never returns true on Android



EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject() can't be used on Android because it always returns false there.

Comments (13)

  1. Saturn1004

    Jul 19, 2018 10:19

    Touch touch = Input.touches[0];

    Tested and working fine in 2018.2 for me.

  2. yosun

    Apr 22, 2018 01:55

    Is this resolved or still going on in 2017.3.1?

  3. grimmy

    Mar 30, 2018 13:32

    EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject(touch.fingerId) is always returning false on Android (fine in editor). I'm getting this in 2017.3.1p4 many years after this was reported.

    As designed is not an answer. I have no work around for this. 1 day of my time has been wasted finding a solution. Why on earth does UI not block raycasts to 3d gameobject by default anyway. This is terrible design.

  4. Mykhaylo Hnatyuk

    Dec 14, 2015 13:38

    1) You have to use fingerId

    Touch touch = Input.touches[0];

    2) In my case IsPointerOverGameObject returns TRUE if(touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began),
    BUT it returns FALSE if(touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended || touch.phase == TouchPhase.Canceled)

    So you can remember if you started your touch over UI and cancel it at the end.

  5. JaredAtSnowedIn

    Nov 25, 2015 14:49

    +1 for thinking it's pretty wild that this is marked as by design.

    I think this issue was probably overlooked, assuming it was working as intended. It's very obviously a bug if if IsPointerOverGameObject(touch.fingerId) returns false when that fingerId is in fact over an event system game object.

    I'd suggest you either remove the pointerid variant or re-open the issue.

  6. TheFranS

    Oct 31, 2015 11:41

    It stil doesn't work in Unity 5.2.2.p1.

  7. Hiti3

    Sep 30, 2015 12:27

    So, you add a feature to check if the pointer is over the GUI element and it works fine with Unity Remote, but not with a final handheld device (By Design)? Hey we made a great game, but download Unity and Unity Remote in able to play it normally. "We made it that way by design".

    Who are you joking Unity developers?

  8. basssssss

    May 19, 2015 09:24

    Issue still occurs in Unity 5.0.0f4.

  9. StormyShelter

    Feb 14, 2015 16:31

    So the new GUI is pretty useless for buttons. "By Design".

  10. Darkcoder

    Jan 06, 2015 12:43

    Why is this marked as 'By Design'?

    The FAQ says this method is how you test to see if the GUI is not being pressed by anything, thus allowing you to interact with the main scene. If this doesn't work then it's pointless, and it does work on desktop so unless the design is for this to be inconsistent then it seems broken.

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