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Fixed in 2017.2.0f3

Fixed in 5.6.X, 2017.1.X



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Issue ID




Errors produced in a console during playmode when attempting to draw a disabled Mesh Renderer with CommandBuffer.DrawRenderer()

Graphics - General


How to reproduce
1. Open the attached "Repro CommandBuffer" project
2. Open "main" scene and enter playmode

Expected result: No errors are produced in the console
Actual result: "In order to call GetTransformInfoExpectUpToDate, RenderUpdateManager.UpdateAll must be called first" and "RendererUpdateManger only synchronizes renderers that are added to the scene, so AssertIsTransformInfoUpToDate can only be called on renderers that are added to the scene" errors are produced

Reproducible with 2017.1.0b1, 5.6.0p1, 5.6.0b8
Regression introduced in - 5.6.0b8
Not reproducible with - 5.6.0b7, 5.5.3f1, 5.4.5f1

Comments (1)

  1. lverhoef

    Jun 07, 2017 00:17

    In this scenario, it also does not properly update the Renderer transforms (unsurprisingly). In 5.5.3, I had been using a CommandBuffer to render objects into texture used in a postprocessing pass, and as of the 5.6 update the objects visibly fail to move with their parent objects.

    Having the Renderers disabled was convenient, as it kept them from rendering in the normal camera without using a layer. It also meant that I didn't have to update the CommandBuffer every frame to feed new matrix positions to a DrawMesh call.

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