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Enabling Cloth component stutters the Editor



Reproduction steps:

1. Open "" project
2. Open "SampleScene" Scene
3. Enter Play mode
4. Press "D" to disable the Cloth
5. Press "E" to enable the Cloth
6. Notice a stutter
7. See in the profiler a spike on "clothTEST.Update()"

Expected Result: No stutter when enabling Cloth component
Actual Result: Stutter when enabling Cloth component

Reproduced with: 2019.2.0a10, 2019.1.0b10, 2018.3.11f1, 2017.4.24f1

  1. Resolution Note:

    Resolving as won't fix as we are only focussing on HUP bugs from now on. If this gets reported again by other users we will consider looking into it.

Comments (3)

  1. NIOS

    Sep 24, 2024 02:20

    Bumping this as this is a major blocker for me as well and will likely have to look into other cloth sim packages for a solution.

    Using 2022.3.9

  2. toddw

    Jan 09, 2021 21:06

    In Unity2020.2.1f1 on a PC Standalone release build, this bug has eliminated the option to use of Unity Cloth on enemies for my project.

    Given that my large seamless world streams in pooled enemies at runtime as the player moves around the world, I cannot use cloth as it stands due to this bug because of the framerate spike that occurs when I call GameObject.setActive(true) on a character that has a unity Cloth component implemented. I've managed to make every other aspects of this game stream content in and out seamlessly without frame rate spikes, except this one problem.

    I would really appreciate if this were reprioritized to be fixed.

  3. NathanRH

    Aug 16, 2019 13:40

    Yes please fix this!
    We need to disable and enable cloth components for off-screen characters to save performance, but when we enable the cloth there is a huge spike which results in frame drops. There is no way to work around this currently :( I've tried to change enable from another thread, but it doesn't work - the main thread must be used, so it blocks everything else.

    I'm sure Cloth has a lot of 'setup' to do when it is enabled, but it would be nice if there was some sort of option to skip some of this setup for just disabling and reenabling the cloth updates.

    Either that, or also fixing the issue where off-screen cloth that is culled is still updated, would also help.


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