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Fixed in 4.6.X



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Dynamically added uGUI elements are broken



To reproduce:
1. Open attached project.
2. Open scene "BasicScene"
3. Enter play mode - 20 objects are created (they are rect transforms with some children that have their own uGUI components like labels etc.)
4. In the scene view - notice that if you face the uGUI from the front side, the objects are invisible, unlike from the back (not sure if this is intended)
5. Click any of the newly created objects (they can be found under Canvas > FoundCreatureScrollArea > ScrollView > ScrollContent)
6. Note their rect transform position - it's always the same. If you move the object - it jumps to the position where it should be according to the transform value. The problem is that the objects should stay where they were and have their transform values set accordingly to that location (not some random point for every single object)
7. In game view - mouse over the book - notice a spew of null reference exceptions

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