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[.NET 4.6]Performance Reporting service with .NET 4.6 backend causes build to fail



To reproduce:
1. Open project attached by the user
2. Make sure that scripting backend is set to experimental 4.6 and Performance Reporting service is enabled
3. Build it for iOS or Android platform (with "test" scene attached)

Expected result: Unity should successfully build an empty scene with Performance Reporting enabled
Actual result: Build fails

Reproduced with: 2017.1.0f1, 2017.2.0f3, 2017.3.0b7, 2018.1.0a2

Reproducible for both Android and iOS builds.

Not reproducible with .NET 3.5

Note: version 2017.1, 2017.3, 2018.1 throw this exception:
TlsException: Invalid certificate received from server. Error code: 0x3

Not reproducible with Unity 2018.2.0a1

Comments (8)

  1. jerome-lacoste

    Jan 16, 2018 12:52

    I have a similar stack on a project that uses WebRequest to fetch data from github.

    Only with .NET 4.6.

    The bug is present in 2017.2/3 but is fixed on 2018.1.0b2

    DllNotFoundException: CoreFoundation
    Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.RecordProtocol.EndReceiveRecord (System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) (at <eb1224ae7b184cd09343d47f8a05481b>:0)
    Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.SslClientStream.SafeEndReceiveRecord (System.IAsyncResult ar, System.Boolean ignoreEmpty) (at <eb1224ae7b184cd09343d47f8a05481b>:0)
    Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.SslClientStream.NegotiateAsyncWorker (System.IAsyncResult result) (at <eb1224ae7b184cd09343d47f8a05481b>:0)
    Rethrow as IOException: The authentication or decryption has failed.
    Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.SslClientStream.EndNegotiateHandshake (System.IAsyncResult result) (at <eb1224ae7b184cd09343d47f8a05481b>:0)
    Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.SslStreamBase.AsyncHandshakeCallback (System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) (at <eb1224ae7b184cd09343d47f8a05481b>:0)
    Rethrow as IOException: The authentication or decryption has failed.
    Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.SslStreamBase.EndRead (System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) (at <eb1224ae7b184cd09343d47f8a05481b>:0)
    Mono.Net.Security.Private.LegacySslStream.EndAuthenticateAsClient (System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) (at <2d96311935af40c7b35c6ff5c955d7e7>:0)
    Mono.Net.Security.Private.LegacySslStream.AuthenticateAsClient (System.String targetHost, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection clientCertificates, System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols enabledSslProtocols, System.Boolean checkCertificateRevocation) (at <2d96311935af40c7b35c6ff5c955d7e7>:0)
    Mono.Net.Security.MonoTlsStream.CreateStream (System.Byte[] buffer) (at <2d96311935af40c7b35c6ff5c955d7e7>:0)
    System.Net.WebConnection.CreateStream (System.Net.HttpWebRequest request) (at <2d96311935af40c7b35c6ff5c955d7e7>:0)
    Rethrow as WebException: Error: TrustFailure (The authentication or decryption has failed.)
    System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse (System.IAsyncResult asyncResult) (at <2d96311935af40c7b35c6ff5c955d7e7>:0)
    System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse () (at <2d96311935af40c7b35c6ff5c955d7e7>:0)

  2. revanaii

    Jan 07, 2018 15:27

    2017.1.2f1 happens only during an ios build (thus won't build at all)

  3. sarebots2

    Dec 20, 2017 20:20

    Can confirm android app crashes when performance reporting is enabled on Windows, Unity 2017.2.1f1

  4. tcarpenter

    Dec 15, 2017 21:39

    I believe this is only an issue on Mac. It seems to build fine on Windows.

  5. tcarpenter

    Dec 15, 2017 21:33

    I also get this in 2017.2.0p4

  6. aliak

    Dec 10, 2017 02:36

    Just tested it with .net 3.5. in my project. It builds perfectly but then silently crashes on any exception during runtime. If I switch off performance reporting then it works ok.

  7. aliak

    Dec 10, 2017 01:52

    I was updating from the older version of unity and have the same issue.

    The most interesting thing is that you won't see the error when you build on windows.(for android)

    But after any error in the app occurs, the application SILENTLY CRASHES!!! (even in try/catch block) So if you have it in production -- you are most likely in trouble.
    logging out won't work in most cases since all services are disabled then.

    Something really bad happened with the performance reporting which erroneously causes the app to crash. ha-ha-ha
    It's a CRITICAL issue. Please pay your attention.

  8. pesahov

    Dec 07, 2017 23:25

    I have the same issue for Android with Unity 2017.2.0 and 3.0
    The solution for me was in logging out from Unity account and checking "Work offline". After this, my build was successful locally. On Unity Cloud I don't have this issue

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