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The number's precision doesn't change according to the size of the text field to fit the field



How to reproduce it:
1. Open the user's attached project ("")
2. Select 'GameObject' in the Hierarchy window
3. Try to shrink and expand the Inspector window
4. Observe 'GameObject' Transform component's fields

Expected result: The displayed numbers in the fields changes according to the field's size. Displayed values fit in the field
Actual result: The displayed numbers in the fields don't change according to the field's size. Displayed values don't fit in the field

Reproducible with: 2018.4.32f1, 2019.4.20f1, 2020.2.5f1, 2021.1.0b7, 2021.2.0a5

  1. Resolution Note (2021.2.X):

    After discussions with the UX team truncation based on size is not a desired features we want to implement.

Comments (1)

  1. dpoly

    Feb 20, 2021 05:40

    In my opinion this is a serious problem for fields displayed in E format (with exponent). The number as displayed appears to lie between 1 and 9, when it actually it may not. This is highly inconvenient, even if you are aware of the possibility. It routinely arises with numbers very close to zero, due to rounding errors.

    I agree it is not a problem for values displayed in F format (without exponent). The visible part of the field will show the most significant digits.

    I agree truncation is not a good solution. Perhaps you could right justify the number (so the exponent is visible), or highlight it in red (to show the displayed value is misleading), or use F format.

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