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[Undo] DestroyGameObjectHierarchyEventArgs.parentInstanceId is 0 when using undo on a created Child GameObject



Steps to reproduce:
1. Open the attached user's project ""
2. Open Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity
3. Right-click the "ParentObject" gameobject and select "Create Empty" to create a child gameobject
4. Press the "Enter" key to accept the child gameobject name
5. Right click the child gameobject and select "Delete"
6. Note the log message in the console: "DestroyGameObjectHierarchy: XXX with parent ParentObject in scene SampleScene."
7. Right-click the "ParentObject" gameobject again and select "Create Empty" to create a child gameobject
8. Press the "Enter" key to accept the child gameobject name
9. Go to the top menu and select "Edit/Undo Create GameObject"
10. Note the log message in the console: "DestroyGameObjectHierarchy: XXX with parent { null } in scene SampleScene."
11. The null parent gameobject in the second scenario seems to be caused by DestroyGameObjectHierarchyEventArgs.parentInstanceId being 0 in the callback

Expected results: DestroyGameObjectHierarchyEventArgs.parentInstanceId is not 0 when using undo on a created child gameobject
Actual Results: DestroyGameObjectHierarchyEventArgs.parentInstanceId is 0 when using undo on a created child gameobject

Reproducible in: 2021.3.25f1, 2022.2.18f1, 2023.1.0b16, 2023.2.0a14
Could not test on 2020.3.48f1 due to scripting errors when downgrading

-A video is attached to show the reproduction steps ""

  1. Resolution Note:

    We have looked at this and we agree that the behavior is counter-intuitive. However, there is no expectation that UI interactions correspond one-to-one to events in the event stream. In the short term we are not going to address this issue, unfortunately.

    A closer look at the events in the stream shows that we do record a parent change event before the event for object destruction. This preceding event can be used to determine the parent of the destroyed object.

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