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Custom Pass makes Scene view flicker when viewing an Instanced Terrain



How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached user project
2. Open Scene “SampleScene“ (Assets/Scenes)
3. Observe the “Terrain“ GameObject in the Scene view

Expected result: There is no flickering
Actual result: The Scene view is flickering

Reproducible with: 2021.3.14f1, 2022.1.23f1, 2022.2.0b15, 2023.1.0a19
Can’t test with: 2020.3.42f1 (Everything is white)

Reproduced on: macOS (12.5 Intel)

  1. Resolution Note:

    In your repro project, you're trying to render the terrain with an HDRP/Lit shader in your custom pass. This is not supported, only HDRP/TerrainLit shader can be used to render terrain at the moment.
    Also, note that due to how the terrain system works, Material replacement is not supported. This is because internally the terrain system sets properties on a copy of the material that is not available in the public API.

    As a possible workaround, you could use the replacement shader mode in custom passes introduced in HDRP 14.0. If you provide a modified copy of the HDRP terrain lit shader it should work.

    We'll also update the documentation regarding terrain compatibility and custom passes

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