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Crash when unloading a scene with a StackOverflowException
Reproduction steps:
1. Open "1150205" project
2. "PA" -> "Build Manager" (Change to Windows Vanilla and leave everything else the same)
3. "Build"
4. Copy "steam_appid" from the Project folder to the Build folder
5. Launch Build
6. Select "Career" mode
7. Start the Game
8. Place your HQ building anywhere
9. Let the game run for 2-3 in-game months (hit 4 on the keyboard sets max in game speed)
10. Save the game with 'F5'
11. Load the quicksave with 'F7' (usually 3 times, but can be up to 10 times)
Actual Result: Crash
Reproduced with: 2019.3.0a2, 2019.2.0a15, 2019.1.1f1, 2018.4.0f1, 2018.3.14f1, 2018.2.20f1
Jul 15, 2019 18:28
This issue is fixed in 2019.3.0a6 and above as part of duplicate issue #137077 linked above.
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This is a duplicate of issue #1137077