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Fixed in 0.15.0



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




Crash on RaiseException when creating a large number of entities

Package: Entity Component System (ECS)


How to reproduce:
1. Open attached project "Case_1239922"
2. Open the Test Runner Window by going to Window -> General -> Test Runner in the Menu Bar
3. Run the "InstantiateEntities_Custom" test

Reproducible with: 0.5.1-preview.11, 0.10.0-preview.6 (2020.1.0b10, 2020.2.0a12)
Could not test with: 0.5.0-preview.17, 2018.4.23f1 (due to errors), 2019.3.15f1 (test does not run due to error in ECS Testing package)

First lines of the stack trace:
0x00007FFCB0779709 (KERNELBASE) RaiseException
0x00007FF7B344BC7D (Unity) EditorMonoConsole::LogToConsoleImplementation
0x00007FF7B344C3BA (Unity) EditorMonoConsole::LogToConsoleImplementation
0x00007FF7B4C08FEA (Unity) DebugStringToFilePostprocessedStacktrace
0x00007FF7B4C08859 (Unity) DebugStringToFile
0x00007FF7B1B9F054 (Unity) DynamicHeapAllocator::Allocate
0x00007FF7B1B9415A (Unity) DualThreadAllocator<DynamicHeapAllocator>::Allocate
0x00007FF7B1B7B2B6 (Unity) MemoryManager::Allocate

1. Upon crashing throws a Size overflow in allocator error
2. The number of entities spawned in this case is 75497472

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 0.15.0):

    The fundamental cause of this crash came from a bad call to the engine's Malloc() function. This has now been addressed. We have confirmed that you can safely allocate up to 128M Entities per World.

    This fix is currently expected to appear in Entities 0.15.

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